Product Description
"composition": "Ionic Calcium & Magnesium Supplement.
Each 300 ml contains:
Calcium….43.5 gm,
"indication": "Prevention of hypocalcemia & milk fever. In milk fever as a fallow up therapy of IV calcium to support normal parturition, to prevent uterine inertia, ROP, metritis & delayed involution, to improve milk yield.",
"dosage": "Administer one bottle 6-12 hours prior to expected calving & one bottle within 6-12 hours after calving, another bottle can be administer 18-24 hours after calving.",
"precaution": "Shake well before use 300ml only for 300kg body weight.",
"use_in_pregnancy": "N/A",
"side_effects": "N/A",
"storage": "Keep out of reach of children. Protected from light, store in a cool & dry place.",
"pack_size": "300 ml botle.",