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Anthelmintics 76
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Product Description

Each ml contains Atropine Sulphate BP 1 mg.
Atropine Sulphate is an anticholinergic drug with a wide variety of effects. It competitively inhibits the actions of acetylcholine. Atropine blocks
muscarinic receptors causing inhibition of all muscarinic functions.
Excessive bronchial & gastric secretions, Broncho constrictive diseases, Hyper motility of intestinal smooth muscle and excessive salivation,
organophosphate or muscarinic mushroom intoxication, pre-anesthetics to prevent or reduce accumulation of salivary and bronchial secretions
in the respiratory tract, bradycardia and accumulation of salivary secretion during anaesthesia and surgical manipulation.
Dosage & administration
Route of administration: IM/IV/SC
1) Pre-anaesthesia
For Subcutaneous/ intravenous injection only.
Dog/Cat- 1 ml/25 kg body weight Subcutaneously. Sheep/Goat- 1 ml/5 kg body weight intravenously.
2) Treatment
For Intramuscular/Subcutaneous injection only.
Cattle/Horse- 1.5-3.0 ml/50 kg body weight. Sheep/Goat- 0.8-1.6 ml/10 kg body weight. Dog/Cat- 0.3-0.5 ml/10 kg body weight. Pigs- 0.2-0.4
ml/10 kg body weight.
3) Organophosphorus/Mushroom Poisoning
0.25-2.0 ml/10 kg body weight upto 5 ml/10 kg body weight subcutaneously. In severe cases, 1/4th of the dose to be administered by IV/IM and
the remainder by SC. This dose can be repeated on an interval of 4 to 6 hours until clinical signs of poisoning relieved.
Or, as directed by the Registered Veterinary Physician.
Avoid use in animals with glaucoma. It causes Hypersensitivity to anticholinergic drugs.
Side effects
Common side effect: Dry mouth, blurred vision, sensitivity to light, dizziness, nausea, loss of balance, hypersensitivity reactions (such as
skin rash), and rapid heartbeat (tachycardia) may be seen.
Rare side effect: high doses may result in decreasing tear production, glaucoma, dry mouth, skin rash, constipation and vomiting may occur
along with changes in heart rate and rhythm, increase in body temperature and inability to urinate.
Warning and precaution
Tropin Vet Injection should not be used in animals with known or suspected gastrointestinal infection as it decreases the GI motility and prolong
the infection.
Use in pregnancy & lactation
Atropine has negligible effects on the uterus and is not teratogenic. Small quantities of atropine appear in milk when the drug is given to lactating
Drug interactions
With medicine: Tropin Vet injection may interact with Azithromycin, Lidocaine, Furosemide, Flunixin, Hydroquinone, Magnesium Sulfate,
Tolfenamic acid, Benzyl alcohol, Chloral Hydrate, Diethyl ether and Diazepam.
With feed & others: Avoid alcohol take with food.
Overdose produces exaggerated pharmacologic effects. It should be used cautiously in fever.
Withdrawal time
Meat & Milk: 0 (zero) day.
Store below 30° C temperature & dry place, protected from light. Keep all medicines out of reach of children.
10 ml vial. 

Product Specifications
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